About Emulator

Emulator gives you a fine-grained control of the game.
The common usage of Emulator would be

  1. Set game settings on emulator
  2. Setup GameState object which represents current game state
  3. Run simulation and get updated GameState object

So the code would be like this.

from pypokerengine.api.emulator import Emulator

# 1. Set game settings on emulator
emulator = Emulator()
emulator.set_game_rule(nb_player, final_round, sb_amount, ante)
emulator.set_game_rule(player_num=3, max_round=10, small_blind_amount=5, ante_amount=1)

# 2. Setup GameState object
players_info = {
    "uuid-1": { "name": "player1", "stack": 100 },
    "uuid-2": { "name": "player2", "stack": 100 },
    "uuid-3": { "name": "player3", "stack": 80 }
initial_state = emulator.generate_initial_game_state(players_info)
game_state, events = emulator.start_new_round(initial_state)

# 3. Run simulation and get updated GameState object
updated_state, events = emulator.apply_action(game_state, "call", 10)

You can run step-wise simulation with Emulator.
This feature would be useful when you use reinforcement learning method.

GameState object

We need to prepare GameState object before run simulation.
You can setup GameState object in two ways.

1. Generate clean game state with Emulator

If you want to generate clean (initial) GameState object, you use emulator.generate_initial_game_state method.

This method requires players information of the game in below format.

players_info = {
  "uuid_of_player1": { "name": "name_of_player1", "stack": initial_stack_of_player1 },
  "uuid_of_player2": { "name": "name_of_player2", "stack": initial_stack_of_player2 },

So you can get clean GameState object like this.

initial_game_state = emulator.generate_initial_game_state(players_info)

Please do not forget to start the round manually by emulator.start_new_round before run simulation
(because clean GameState object represents the state before start the game).

>>> initial_game_state
{'round_count': 0, 'next_player': None, 'street': 0, 'small_blind_amount': 5}, 'table': <pypokerengine.engine.table.Table instance at 0x10666cc68>}
>>> game_state, events = emulator.start_new_round(initial_game_state)
>>> game_state
{'round_count': 1, 'next_player': 0, 'street': 0, 'small_blind_amount': 5}, 'table': <pypokerengine.engine.table.Table instance at 0x1066bca28>}

2. Restore from round_state object

round_state object is the public information of the game state which passed by callback methods of BasePokerPlayer like declare_action.

If you want to generate the GameState object which represents state of round_state, you can use game_state_utils.restore_game_state(round_state).

round_state object represents public information of the game. This means that it does not include information about hole card of each player. So you need to restore that information on GameState object by your hand.

If you set hole card at random, you can use below code.

from pypokerengine.utils.game_state_utils import restore_game_state, attach_hole_card_from_deck

game_state = restore_game_state(round_state)
for player in game_state["table"].seats.players:
    game_state = attach_hole_card_from_deck(game_state, player.uuid)

If you want to set specific card on specific player, the code would be...
(below code sets holecard ['SA', 'DA'] on player which has uuid "uuid-1" and sets at random on others)

from pypokerengine.utils.game_state_utils import restore_game_state, attach_hole_card_from_deck, attach_hole_card
from pypokerengine.utils.card_utils import gen_cards

game_state = restore_game_state(round_state)
for player in game_state["table"].seats.players:
    if player.uuid == "uuid-1":
        holecard = gen_cards(['SA', 'DA'])
        game_state = attach_hole_card(game_state, player.uuid, hole_card)
      game_state = attach_hole_card_from_deck(game_state, player.uuid)

Event object

When you run simulation bia Emulator, you receive updated GameState object and list of Event object.
Event object contains the information of event which happend during simulation.

For example, Event objects of emulator.start_new_round would be ...

>>> game_state, events = emulator.start_new_round(initial_state)
>>> events
   'type': 'event_new_street',
   'street': 'preflop',
   'round_state': ...
   'type': 'event_ask_player',
   'uuid': 'uuid-1',
   'valid_actions': [{'action': 'fold', 'amount': 0}, ...]

There are 4 types of Event object.

1. New Street Event

This event is contained if new street is started during simulation.

  • type : "event_new_street"
  • street : one of ["preflop", "flop", "turn", "river"]
  • round_state: round_state object of when this event was occurred

2. Ask Player Event

This event is contained when any player is asked his action.

  • type : "event_ask_player"
  • uuid : uuid of player who asked the action
  • valid_actions: information of action which is valid in the situation.
  • round_state: round_state object of when this event was occurred

3. Round Finish Event

This event is contained when a round is finished.

  • type : "event_round_finish"
  • winners: information about the winner of round
  • round_state: round_state object of when this event was occurred

4. Game Finish Event

This event is contained when a game is finished.

  • type : "event_game_finish"
  • players: information about each player like his stack, uuid, ...